
Since being diagnosed with breast cancer in March my little world has been turned on its head, there are no words to describe the overwhelming emotional train wreck that is a cancer diagnosis with your name on it. This is where you can check in on my progress so that those I love can hopefully feel a little closer and become part of my journey back to vibrant health.

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Thank you so much for all your love and support x

Thursday, 25 July 2013


Well my dears, some good news at last, I saw my oncologist yesterday and my latest MRI results show that the chemotherapy is having an effect on the tumour, with a reduction of 1.5 cm in size and a thinning of the cellular membrane that encloses it.
I was starting to worry that I wouldn't respond to the chemo or worse that I had left it too late and the tumour was too dense to be able to be penetrated by the chemotherapy. Praise the lord !!!!!!! It also looks a lot less angry and mutant-like, this thing is 25cm in diameter and there is very little room for it to grow anywhere but out through the skin so this is such a relief for me. This is the first bit of good news I've gotten in a while and it feels like the healing process has finally begun.
My oncologist is very happy with this news and anticipates further reduction until we can get it down to a size that is small enough to do a lumpectomy, so I may be able to avoid a total mastectomy after all......
Chemotherapy wise I am feeling good and strong with little side effects to report thus far, I was removed from the clinical trial at my request because I was experiencing blurry vision which was reported as a permanent side effect of the drug I was randomized to, still have it and hoping it goes away.
That's it for now my loves, just thought you might like to know this good development.
Sending you all love and blessings and am trying to get caught up on the email backlog !


  1. That's great news Ais! Pretty soon this will all just be the memory of an intense journey to health. I know that this shock has made you look at things more holistically for a cause and the changes you've made will have a long and lasting impact upon your approach to health, life and healing. much love from the Shiplake stowaways.. x x

  2. so good to hear, Ais!! much love... Heather P.

  3. sometimes it is hard to be a woman scruff, but you are doing a great job. great news about the chemo working. you are young and fit and you always looked good with short hair, paterlee x

  4. So awesome Ais! Good for you. Of course the chemo and everything else is going to work because you're doing it all RIGHT. Taking good care of yourself between chemo treatments is the best way to get great results. So happy for the good news and thanks so much for keeping us far-away people updated. xoxoxoxo

  5. AISLING!!!! That's BLOODY BRILLIANT NEWS! So chuffed for you and glad the chemo isn't knocking you around too much. I'm still raging at the gods for ya! Love Ro xxxx.
    P.S. Will you send me on your email address again?? My 'puter went lala and I lost all historical mails, addresses etc.

  6. Delighted to hear good news. All rooting for you here. You can yet be a lissome ginger or blonde!
    I'll email you soon.

  7. Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! Fan-friggin-tastic! This news has really made my day. I knew it.. I knew you were well strong! ;)
    Stay strong my love.xx
    Mary (Geraldine) :D

    Shrink that fucker!

    Then have a pint. With me.
    I'm so proud and happy for you loves!:)
    Can't wait to hear more.


  9. That is SO Super Duper freaking AWEsoME!!! Every little exhausting thing that you are doing for your physical and emotional healing matters. And so wonderful that you are feeling ok with the chemo so far! We are and have been sending you magic warrior juju for strength, endurance and peace on your healing journey Ais. XOXO

    Jen Jarman

  10. Brilliant news Missus!!! Delighted for you!!! Agreeing with previous comment from Ben...'shrink that fucker!' No better woman to do it! Brynn and I are sending love, hugs and magic your way Xx Lisa

  11. Awesome! So glad you are on the road to recovery!

    -Elisabeth Hazell

  12. You are so inspiring and beautiful xxxxxx I'm really really relieved that now you can see the skies clearing if only a little , I love u ais xxx maeve


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