
Since being diagnosed with breast cancer in March my little world has been turned on its head, there are no words to describe the overwhelming emotional train wreck that is a cancer diagnosis with your name on it. This is where you can check in on my progress so that those I love can hopefully feel a little closer and become part of my journey back to vibrant health.

how can I help?

Support can come in many forms, sometimes it's the small things that have the biggest impact, kind words and messages of love and encouragement go a long way...... Submit your email for updates and join the community below. Feel free to circulate this blog to those I know and love

..................................... How Can I Help?

Thank you so much for all your love and support x

Friday, 17 May 2013

Email Success!

Hopefully all signed up for email updates got their first update today...

If you haven't signed up already please do so by entering your email in the box at the right hand of the blog...

Thanks for your patience,


1 comment:

  1. Ais,
    You are full of VITALITY and PASSION! I'm so glad you are following your own path on this health journey. I'm holding you in the warmest, goldenest, most awesome healing light.
    Much LOVE LOVE LOVE to you every day.


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